Have you heard about breakfast being the most important meal of the day? Have you wondered how this actually stacks up? Well the good news is the approach to breakfast is very individual, what works for one will not work for all!
If you wake up hungry and find you can’t concentrate until you’ve eaten, then breakfast is for you! Alternatively, if you don't feel hungry when you wake up and prefer to eat later in the morning or at lunch time, then this is perfectly ok too.
There are a couple of points to think about when it comes to breakfast, if you find yourself hungry mid-morning or even after lunch and reaching for something quick and perhaps not so healthy this might be a good indication to include breakfast or have a look at what you are eating for breakfast. It’s also an opportunity to include some valuable foods in your day, think wholegrains, dairy, fruit, vegetables, eggs etc.
Some ideas for breakfast:
Bircher muesli – make enough to last for several days
Wholegrain toast with tomato and eggs
Untoasted muesli with milk and fresh fruit
Yoghurt with nuts/seeds and fruit
A breakfast frittata with spinach and mushrooms – will work for several days
We’d love to hear about some of the creative ways you get breakfast into your day!